The Dog Blog | 9 Tips for Taking Swoon Worthy Shots of your Dog
How to Capture the Perfect Doggy Shot
It’s interesting to note that whilst 67% of households in the USA have a pet dog only 47% do in the UK and here I was thinking that the UK lead the world in doggy love. Whoever is winning that race there’s no doubt there are a lot of us doggy lovers around!
So now is the perfect time to take some fabulous pictures of your furry best friends and of course get them framed. HOWEVER as we all know they often don’t make life easy in this respect! Here are a few of our top tips for capturing adorable photos of your dogs.
“Never Work with Animals or Children” So said WC Fields, well we beg to differ…
Take lots of photos.
This goes without saying of course now we have the luxury of smart phones, does anyone remember the days of camera rolls and films? I still remember the stress of trying to make every shot perfect knowing there were only 24 or 36 to play with!
Bribery Works!
So you might like to keep an eye on the size of those treats and break them down or you’ll definitely end up with a tubby pooch. But if you can get someone else to hold the treat behind or above you while you take the shot you might well get the money shot!
Use the children!
If you have children around you can use them for distractions and of course include them in the shots as well, once they are all absorbed in each other you can get some brilliant natural shots.
Stick to Where they’re happiest
Out on a walk is perfect, splashing in their favourite stream or simply relaxing in their favourite spot.
Be Prepared
For those funny shots when your dog picks up the giant stick and shakes his head from side to side or has his ear stuck on top of his head.
Mr Wriggles
If your dog just won’t sit still (very familiar story around here!) you could consider taking a video and screenshot the perfect frame.
Tidy up those socks
Be mindful of the background, and make sure there isn’t a basket of washing or an unsightly piece of litter ruining your otherwise perfect shot.
Don’t over do it.
We’ve got all the time in the world at the moment so there’s no need to labour the point, if he or she is just not helping, give up and try again tomorrow.
Or ask a Professional.
And of course if you want some really incredible shots you could always ask a professional like Millie Pilkington whose gorgeous images feature here.
Once you have your gorgeous photos on your phone, don’t leave them to languish, choose a frame, upload your image and we’ll Print & Fit it for FREE!
A Message from Boris
Just to be clear I’m talking about our own dear Boris not the PM!
Boris is our Tibetan Terrier and joined our family 10 years ago as a very fluffy puppy, the offspring of our neighbours, Chocolate and Buttons! We love him dearly, and he has become a central part of the Addison Ross family, well known for jumping on to any high surface when we’re not looking. Often sitting up at the desk or the table until he’s discovered, he is after all only human!
Whilst we’re now heading into Week 8 of WFH, Online Schooling, Online Exercising and a huge amount of baking we thought you’d like to hear our own Boris’s views on the Covid Pandemic.
I’m not sure what has happened but it’s GREAT! I’m getting the most incredible daily walks from everyone in the family, loads of attention and love, they keep pointing that silly shiny rectangular thing at me and telling me to sit still but at least I get a treat each time. I’ve even managed to blag my way upstairs on to Izzy’s bed when nobody is watching. Iz and I are so good at this that I seem to manage to get there most nights and only have to deal with a raised eye brow and a “Naughty Boy” from the boss in the morning. And she still feeds me!! It’s a no brainer, I can highly recommend schmoozing the youngest in the family to all my furry friends! Brilliant technique! My Vote is to keep WFH going as long as possible!